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Let's Calculate the Cost of an Air Column Bag!

Let's Calculate the Cost of an Air Column Bag!

Recently, we have found that a lot of businesses we communicate with have not used air column bags but only traditional packaging materials, and they doubt the cost of using air column bags, thinking that the unit price of air column bags is higher than that of traditional foam and waste paper, which would increase enterprise costs. Today, we are here to calculate the cost of using air column bags for all businesses, so that everyone can see whether to use them or not.

In fact, this cost-related doubt about air column bags is easy to answer because these businesses with doubts only see the unit price of air column bags, but ignore the overall cost of the entire packaging and transportation process. In fact, after careful consideration, you will find that using these air pouches for packing is very cost-effective.

Calculate the cost of air column bags from a warehousing perspective

A business needs to send out a lot of goods, so it also needs a lot of packaging and filling materials. The volume and shape of traditional packaging materials are basically fixed, so before transportation, enterprises need to spend a lot of space as warehouses for fillers.

Air column bags, on the other hand, are flat membranes before inflation, and occupy very little warehouse space. For example, if the warehousing cost of traditional packaging materials is 0.1 $, the warehousing cost of air column bags may only be 0.01 $. In this regard, air column bags save enterprises a lot of warehousing costs.

Calculate the cost of air column bags from the perspective of product loss during transportation

The strong buffering performance of air column bags far exceeds that of traditional packaging materials. For example, many red wine businesses know that long-distance rough transportation can easily cause damage to wine bottles. If 1000 wine bottles use traditional packaging materials, about 100 bottles may be lost after long-distance transportation. If air column bags are used as packaging materials, the loss can be reduced to only a few bottles.

Besides reducing product loss during transportation, this type of air cushion bag also saves businesses a lot of trouble of replenishing, reduces costs, and even enhances business credibility.

Calculate the cost of air column bags from the perspective of filling material transportation

Businesses need to fill packaging materials, which certainly need to be purchased from the market and transported. The volume of traditional packaging materials is relatively large, while the volume of air column bags is only tiny. Therefore, when traditional packaging materials need to be transported in 10 cars, air column bags only need 2 cars.

When all is said and done, we believe everyone can see who saves more money. The issue of "environmental protection" is getting more and more attention. The advantages of air column bags, which are safe, non-toxic, and pollution-free, should also be paid attention to by businesses.

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