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HANGZHOU BING JIA TECH. CO., LTD. Showcases Latest Sustainable Cushioning Packaging Solutions at Interpack 2023 Exhibition

HANGZHOU BING JIA TECH. CO., LTD. Showcases Latest Sustainable Cushioning Packaging Solutions at Interpack 2023 Exhibition

From May 4th to May 10th, Hangzhou Bingjia Technology Co., Ltd, a renowned packaging brand with Lockedair and Lockedpaper, participated in the Interpack 2023 international packaging exhibition held in Dusseldorf, Germany. We presented our latest sustainable cushioning packaging solutions at the exhibition and received praise from various clients.


The exhibition was a resounding success, with an overwhelming turnout of industry professionals and experts. Our innovative and eco-friendly packaging solutions, such as Paper Air Cushion and Inbubble Paper Bubble Machine, caught the attention of attendees and garnered widespread interest.

Among our standout products featured at Interpack 2023 were:

Inbubble Paper Bubble Machine: Eco-friendly recyclable paper bubbles with cushioning 

protection for fragile items


LP-V1: A versatile Paper Cushioning System for void-fill and light load blocking.


LP-C1 LP-C2: A robust solution for fragile and heavy load cushioning.


Paper Cushion Film: 100% biodegradable and recyclable Cushioning solution


Additionally, our Industrial Class Air Cushion Machine, LA-F2, proved its mettle with its cutting-edge technology and remarkable performance.


As a pioneer in the packaging industry, we are proud to showcase our cutting-edge technologies and sustainable cushioning packaging solutions. Our products are designed to provide maximum protection for fragile and heavy loads while reducing waste and environmental impact.



We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this prestigious exhibition and connect with clients and industry peers. Providing advanced, sustainable, and protective packaging solutions is the mission of BJT.


If you would like to learn more about our sustainable cushioning packaging solutions, please feel free to contact us at

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